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Ultimate Texas Hold'em poker | Casino de Montréal

Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker

Try to obtain the best five-card poker hand using your two hole cards and the five community cards. Your hand must be of a higher ranking than the dealer’s hand.

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With the progressive jackpot still climbing at all four of our casinos,* you could win BIG at your favourite poker game.

Place an additional bet of as little as $5 when playing at any of our poker tables at our four casinos for a shot at the jackpot.

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Ready to try your luck? Ask the dealer at your table for more info.


Good to know

Before playing your first game of Ultimate Texas Hold’em, you might benefit from learning some basics of the game. These helpful tips and basic rules will give you a sense of what to expect before you get to the casino. Once you are at the table, don’t hesitate to ask the dealer any questions you may have. Helping you understand how the game is played is part of their job.

Taking a seat at the table

Ultimate Texas Hold’em tables can be easily identified by their blue playing surface.

First, find a spot that isn’t already occupied. A special marker is used to indicate spots reserved for players who have temporarily left the table. These spots may be used until the absent player returns.

The initial bet

Place your money on the table. Never hand it to the dealer. The dealer will exchange your money for value chips and you may place your bet in the betting spot indicated on the table before the first card is dealt. Initial bets and blinds cannot be made, changed or withdrawn after that point.

You must respect the minimum and maximum limits indicated at the table when placing your bets.

The cards

Ultimate Texas Hold’em poker is played with a 52-card deck. In decreasing order, the value of the cards is Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2. Aces may be used for a Royal Flush or an Ace-2-3-4-5 Straight.

The game

You must place identical ante and blind bets.

Once the 5 face-down community cards have been dealt, the dealer deals 2 cards face down to each player, in turn, and two to himself. Players can check or raise by adding a bet that is either three (3) or four (4) times their ante. Players are prohibited from showing or discussing their cards.

Once all players have made their choice, the dealer reveals the first 3 community cards.

Players that checked can check again or raise by adding a bet equal to twice their ante. Players that previously raised cannot bet again.

Once all players have made their choice, the dealer reveals the last 2 community cards.

Players that checked in the two preceding rounds may raise by adding a bet that is equal to their ante, failing which they are required to fold and thus lose both their ante and blind bets. Players that previously raised cannot bet again.

Once all players have made their choice and placed their hole cards face down on the table, the dealer reveals his two cards. Players that have not already folded their hands, as well as the dealer, now make their best 5-card combination poker hand, using their 2 hole cards and the 5 community cards.

To qualify, the dealer’s 5-card hand must contain a pair or a combination that is of higher rank.

The dealer then turns over each player’s two cards and compares, if necessary, the rank of the hands of players that raised to the rank of his own hand.

The combinations in decreasing order

Royal flush: Ace, King, Queen, Jack and 10 of the same suit

Straight flush: Five consecutive cards of the same suit

Four of a kind: Four cards of the same rank, independent of suit

Full house: Three of a kind and one pair

Flush: Five cards of the same suit

Straight: Five consecutive cards, regardless of suit

Three of a kind: Three cards of the same rank

Double pair: Two pairs

Pair: Two cards of the same rank

High card: Highest ranked card

When the dealer’s 5-card hand and the player’s hand consist of identical combinations, the hand that contains the highest ranked card outside the combination is deemed the winner. However, if all of the cards outside the combination are equal in rank, the hands are deemed identical.

Winning and losing hands

When the dealer’s hand qualifies (a pair or better):

  • If the player’s hand is ranked higher than the dealer’s hand, the player’s ante and raise bets win and are paid even money, and his blind wins and is paid, if the case should be, in accordance with the blind payout table; otherwise it is a push.

  • If the player’s hand is ranked lower than the dealer’s hand, the player loses his ante, raise and blind bets.

  • If the player’s hand is equal in rank to the dealer’s hand, the player’s ante, raise and blind bets are a push.


When the dealer’s hand does not qualify:

  • Players that raised collect their antes.

  • If the player’s hand is ranked higher than the dealer’s hand, the player’s raise wins and is paid even money. The player’s blind bet also wins and is paid in accordance with the blind bet payout table.

  • If the player’s hand is ranked lower than the dealer’s hand, the player’s raise and blind bets lose.

  • If the player’s hand is equal in rank to the dealer’s hand, the player’s raise and blind bets are a push.

Some games enable you to place additional bets. Ask the dealer about your options.

These rules take effect on December 15, 2011, and are administered in accordance with the By-law respecting casino games (R.S.Q., c. S-13.1, a. 13). The rules herein can be modified at any time by the Société des casinos du Québec inc.

Ultimate Texas Hold’em is a proprietary game and trademark used under license from SHFL entertainment, Inc.

Full details at the casino.


*The progressive jackpot may be won at any time. Should a discrepancy arise between the value displayed on this website and the value displayed at the casino, the latter will prevail. Certain conditions apply. Rules available at the Casino Privilèges counter.

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