Sustainable Development | Casino de Montréal

Sustainable Development
In this section, you will learn about the many efforts the Casino de Montréal has made to maximize its contribution to the community. The Casino’s various initiatives relate to the three dimensions of sustainable development:
- social fairness
- conservation
- economic performance.
Sustainable Development
In this section, you will learn about the many efforts the Casino de Montréal has made to maximize its contribution to the community. The Casino’s various initiatives relate to the three dimensions of sustainable development:
- social fairness
- conservation
- economic performance.
Fighting food insecurity through a long-standing partnership with Moisson food banks
For several years now, the casinos have been working with Moisson food banks across Québec in their fight against food insecurity—a cause they both deeply care about. Through this partnership, the casinos have given employees opportunities to positively impact their communities and take part in volunteer and community service activities.
Some of these activities include food drives, fundraisers, and an annual volunteer day for casino and head office employees. In the fall of 2018, over 220 employees spent time sorting foodstuffs at the Moisson warehouse, took part in the Guignolée des médias, cooked meals, and organized food drives at local grocery stores. Through these activities, employees helped collect close to 15,000 kg of foodstuffs and raise over $5,000.
Internationally acclaimed
The Casino de Montréal has been long acknowledged as one of Montréal’s main tourist attractions, with an offer of services that provides clear support for tourism by topping off the city’s overall restaurant and entertainment facilities.
As such, the Casino contributes to the international reputation of Montréal and even Québec as tourist magnets.
Elimination of bottled water
The Casino de Montréal replaced individual water bottles by reusable glasses in its gaming areas, an initiative that drew active participation from both employees and customers.
The project, which was rolled out in all Québec casinos, will eliminate nearly 1.2 million plastic bottles annually.
Less paper
The Casino de Montréal has taken many steps to foster paper reduction, re-use, reclamation and recycling. These efforts have enabled the Casino to reduce its consumption of paper by 122 metric tons per year, which means 268,964 pounds of paper, 2,286 saved trees and 8,423,147 saved litres of water.
Recently, the Casino obtained Level 2 certification under RECYC-QUÉBEC’s Ici, on recycle! program. The program recognizes contributions made by organizations to resource conservation. This level of certification means that the Casino de Montréal is now part of a select group that includes the Casino du Lac-Leamy, the Grande Bibliothèque and Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont.
Eco-certified events
For the first time, the Casino de Montréal eco-certified some of its internal meetings attended by more than 30 employees. This included initiatives that met Level 2 responsible event management standards, particularly in the areas of accounting and the Carbone boréal greenhouse gas emission offset project.
This is just the beginning. Next year, the Casino will work to eco-certify other internal events.
Landscaping that respects the environment
The Casino de Montréal modernization project is proceeding apace, paying attention to resource preservation. The results of this policy can be seen by looking at our landscaping, with hundreds of mature trees being transplanted by specialized equipment that can easily uproot and replant. During the replanting process, the surface earth that we needed to remove for construction work is also reused in other areas of the casino landscape.
You can be sure that when you visit the casino of the future, it will be up to current standards while fully drawing on the richness of the past.
Actions integrated in an overall approach to sustainable development
Throughout Loto-Québec and its subsidiaries, sustainable development is supported by the responsible management of games of chance, taking into account economic, social and environmental aspects in order to maximize our contribution to the community.
Our commitment leads us to analyze the consequences of our activities in order to, in as much as possible, amplify their positive effects and mitigate negative consequences.
For more information, visit the Documentation Centre on Loto‑Québec's web site.
Four casinos, four Moisson organizations
On September 24, almost 180 employees rallied to a single cause: food security. The Société des casinos du Québec (SCQ) took the opportunity of volunteer day to announce ongoing support for the four Moisson organizations in the province.
For the past several years, our casinos and Moisson organizations have joined forces in volunteer activities. The new partnership on the theme Quatre casinos, quatre Moisson focuses the SCQ’s social engagement efforts on a cause that reaches many people.
Many initiatives will be undertaken internally at the SCQ to support Moisson organizations, including organizing recurrent volunteer activities, fundraising events and foodstuff collection drives.
The annual Maison du Père dinner
For almost six years now, a group of Casino de Montréal employees has organized a big festive dinner for men who frequent the Maison du Père, organized with the help of the Casino’s executive chef, Jean-Pierre Curtat.
Some 30 volunteers from all sorts of backgrounds served a first-rate meal that came with musical ambiance and individual party favours for guests. It was a colourful evening where the hundreds of happy diners had a great time.